Dr. Osman Joins the Inaugural SPACES Cohort for Pre-Tenured Faculty of Color

Dr. Osman participated in the Inaugural SPACES Cohort for Pre-Tenured Faculty of Color who are doing Community-Engaged Research at AEESP in Boston, MA, during the week of June 20, 2023. The CER Cohort, put together by NSF ADVANCE SPACES Team, was designed to support underrepresented minority (URM) junior faculty in environmental engineering and sciences (as well as related fields) whose research involves direct engagement with the public and/or impacted communities. Given the historical challenges with merit, tenure, and promotion for engineering faculty in these “spaces,” the CER Cohort will receive collective and individual support in navigating professional milestones while carrying out research that reflects our core values. The NSF ADVANCE SPACES team will work toward establishing more effective institutional practices to better support URM faculty who conduct CER.


Dr. Osman Delivers a Pilot Talks Speech at the University of Portland’s Alumni Weekend


Dr. Osman Presents at CEE Environmental Engineering Seminar