Osman Lab Presents at AGU
Allisa Hastie & Dr. Osman present their research at AGU in the Water and Society: Water Resources Management and Policy in a Changing World section!
Aadhityaa Mohanavelu Awarded Inaugural Quad Fellowship
Osman Lab Member Aadhityaa Received the Esteemed Quad Fellowship!
Dr. Osman Presents at NAWI Fall Meeting
Dr. Osman shared his presentation titled “Towards Water Justice” at this years National Alliance for Water Innovation’s Fall Meeting on November 1st, 2022.
Dr. Osman Presents at INFORMS Annual Meeting in Indianapolis
Dr. Osman discusses the combination of social sciences and technical science are important to understand how to achieve justice in decision-making with the audience at INFORMS.
Lead with Equity and Justice
Climate change continues to challenge our prior held knowledge and beliefs about the built environment. At the intersection of equity, environmental justice, and civil infrastructure systems is where the solutions will benefit those who are the most vulnerable and least equipped to deal with these challenges.
Osman Lab Meets
Osman Lab met for dinner at Zareen’s in Palo Alto. Building community through breaking bread is an underlying theme in our lab.
Osman Lab Member Oluchi Awarded Prestigious AAUW Award
Osman Lab member Oluchi awarded the prestigious American Association of University Women International Doctoral Fellowship for the 2022-23 academic year
Welcome to Our Lab!
At Osman lab, we try to understand the mutual interactions between both natural and man-made components of infrastructure systems along with their feedbacks within the social realm.