A Tale of Two Campuses - UCLA and USC
Dr. Osman at USC
Dr. Osman has had a busy month! His seminar “Towards Water and Sanitation Justice: Examining Technical and Social System Intersections for Challenges and Opportunities” was met with acclaim at the University of Southern California on 25 January, and at UCLA on 7 February. The talk explored the socio-technical dimensions of the provision of water and sanitation, focusing on how to center justice in the decision-making process. He covered two case studies: 1) a framework that incorporates social equity into the maintenance and rehabilitation decision-making of water infrastructures to attain equitable resource allocations for M&R projects, and 2) how state and county-level policies combined with poor environmental conditions have led to prolonged sanitation failures, public health hazards, and financial burdens in primarily black communities in the southern United States.
Dr. Osman at UCLA