9th Arab-American Frontiers Symposium
Dr. Osman recently presented work done with lab member Allisa Hastie at the Arab-American Frontiers of Science, Engineering, and Medicine in Doha, Qatar.
Osman Lab travels to Alabama
Our team traveled to Alabama to meet with community members and collaborators.
Dr. Osman Featured in the Portland Magazine
Dr. Osman was featured in the University of Portland’s magazine on June 1, 2023.
Dr. Osman Delivers a Pilot Talks Speech at the University of Portland’s Alumni Weekend
Dr. Osman was invited as a Pilot Talks speaker to the University of Portland’s Alumni Weekend on June 24, 2023.
Dr. Osman Joins the Inaugural SPACES Cohort for Pre-Tenured Faculty of Color
Dr. Osman participated in the Inaugural SPACES Cohort for Pre-Tenured Faculty of Color who are doing Community-Engaged Research at AEESP in Boston, MA.
Oluchi Obinegbo Awarded the prestigious Leavell Fellowship
Congratulations to Oluchukwu Obinegbo!
Osman Lab Begins Work on EPA Funded Collaboration for Sanitation Justice
The team has received an EPA STAR Grant to study rural sanitation justice in predominantly African American communities in the U.S.
Osman Lab Enjoys Evening in Mountain View
Group members enjoy a monthly tradition of lab dinners (and desserts!)
Dr. Osman Presents at Advancing Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Workshop
Dr. Osman shared his presentation at the Advancing Sustainable Urban Infrastructure Workshop co-hosted by Stanford Graduate School of Business and Doerr School of Sustainability.